The fact is, a man should be a man. He should have cajones and a sense of responsibility. No man should think that everything is okay when his wife is paying the rent, buying his cola and making dinner while he plays video games. It should be emasculating. Allowing a situation like this just proves that he is not capable. And I firmly believe that a man who can't take care of his woman can't satisfy her either. What follows is a real list of things that I think a man should do or qualities that he should possess. If he doesn't, yes, I do think less of him.
- work toward the financial stability of his family
- if unemployed dedicate a minimum of 20 hours per week solely to searching for employment
- if unemployed wash dishes, vacuum floors and help put laundry away
- help his children with their homework
- take the trash out
- open the mayonnaise jar
- stand up for what is right every time
- tell a creep to screw off if that's what is called for
- walk away and never turn back
- not participate in a slap fight
- shovel the driveway
- be able to drive a vehicle with a manual transmission
- know how to light a fire (in the fireplace, at the campground, on the grill)
- employ preventative maintenance to keep his car running
- wear a belt and keep his pants pulled up
- make a dinner reservation
- comprehend the word "no" and act on it
- put on a condom
- check what "that noise" was
- name the 4 C's
I reserve the right to alter this list in any way at any time.
If a man does not know what or how in regards to any of these items, he can quickly redeem himself. Asking, researching and changing are are ways of showing humility and willingness to learn and make that man exempt from judgement while taking action to rectify his ignorance. If a man is unwilling to show humility, and unwilling to grow he becomes stagnant. Any man that is not growing is useless and should be quickly discarded. The faster he is replaced with a real man the less pain everyone (including him) will endure.
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