Now, please tell me, was that first paragraph just more than you ever needed to know? I feel that it was. True or not, no one cares. That's how I feel about this book.
While squatting I couldn't help but notice this funny, if slightly disturbing, little sign hanging on the door. Talk about blunt. The advice offered on this sign is good. And kids from kindergarten up are using these toilets, so plumbing issues are bound to arise. This sign is really just an extension of their education.

So I made the mistake of looking up the author. Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi has the goal (I hope) of making children feel comfortable with their bodily functions by proving in gross detail that everyone, animal and human, that eats must have bowel movements as well. This lesson may be helpful for those young children who are in the middle of potty training and are maybe having a hard time taking the next step. The last page of the book however renders it trash and is too nasty for words. Six illustrations of animal and human naked buttocks in the middle of pooping.
Ummmm, Ya that's a little much for me... thanks for the insight on it so I know Never to let Nona read the last few pages if she ever finds this book in the library :)
I know, right. I have a few friends who have read it and thought it was funny. It's definitely not my type of humor, though.
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